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Do you sometimes feel like your life is constantly going up and down? One day you're loving your life, and the next you are questioning the meaning of it all, spiraling into an eclipsing existential darkness?

Let's bring our paths


Spiritual journeys can lead us down windy roads that can quickly throw us off, making things like consistency, commitment, self-care, and our relationships seem overwhelming and out of reach. You're growing, you're changing, and you're grieving the parts of you that that are shedding off while you're blossoming.


...And, you're not alone.


Consciousness Continuum is an integration circle for people who are deeply committed to deep transformation and healing, and who want to practice with like minded people and share space, stories, tips, and reflections for the purpose of growing in wisdom, compassion, and resilience. These circles are offered as a gift to the community. If you’d like to offer a gift in return,  you’re welcome to based on your means and the value you receive. It’s deeply  appreciated.


Whether you are working with plant medicine, philosophy, buddhism, or even a field of theoretical math or science, all are welcome here to a safe place to explore the challenges of understanding consciousness.

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