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Tuesday - Friday 12pm-7pm

Saturday - 10am-2pm


*During exhibition periods


500 Terry Francois Street

San Francisco, CA 94158



I consider myself a curious walker of two worlds
My work and my message, lies in the border zone between philosophy, spirituality, art and science.

I was first introduced to psychedelics as most from my Western, urban upbringing are: through the party scene.

Whether I was in a small group, or a large event, for the most part I experienced what is commonly known as "a bad trip." The combination of loud music, socializing, stomach upsetting foods, and uncomfortable spaces continuously distracted me from connecting to the true magic of these plants.


Nevertheless, I kept journeying and kept learning.


When I finally found the dose and guide that matched my energy and that of the medicine, I was brought to the place I was meant to be: within. I sat with my thoughts, my emotions, my triggers, my unsettled memories, my trauma--essentially all the parts of my internal programming--and I learned that I was hiding a lot of fear and pain deep inside the shadows of my mind and body. I felt my body for the first time, and realized how much pain I was really in.


From what I experienced in that one session, I knew this was the medicine I was looking for, and this was the path I was meant to be on.


Without any prior connections or experience with a Shamanic community, my calling was answered by a synchronistic meeting. Three months later, I sat in my first Ayahuasca, Huachuma, and Rapé ceremony, held by a Curandero from Argentina and an Empath from NYC. It was undoubtedly fate. I went holding the intention to connect and heal my inner self, but I left with more than I asked; this path to healing was not only for me, but was for sharing with others in my community.


From then on, I have committed myself to balancing healing with holding and learning.

It is with great honor and humility that I carry traditions of the Shipibo Conibo lineage. My longest apprenticeship has been with Tina "Cat" Courtney, founder of The Plant Medicine Mystery School. With her guidance we have covered such topics as: working and communicating with plant consciousness, in-depth understanding of master plants, Shipibo ceremonial traditions, sacred icaros, structuring and holding of safe spaces, embodying journey integration, and shamanic perspectives of life, death, and the afterlife.

Did I mention that I am from the Western world? Because I am!


No matter how much wisdom I am able to hold, the only jungle I call home is New York City (though I have a love affair with Northern California redwoods, as you can see above).


To expand my collection of tools and knowledge of the subject, I have included clinical psychedelic assisted psychotherapy research, comm known as the "psychedelic renaissance"


I studied and trained with Dr. Bill Richards, professor of Psychiatry at John Hopkins University, and pioneer of psilocybin assisted psychotherapy clinical research, dating back to 1963. In his class, The Art & Science of Psilocybin Therapy we discussed certain topics such as: practical procedures in dosing and structuring set and setting, personal/professional qualities that appear to enhance safety and efficacy in treatments, principles that expedite the beneficial exploration of consciousness, comprehension and therapeutic potency of visionary and unitive forms of consciousness, and the implied future of awareness, education, training, and treatment.

As part of both the underground and above ground psychedelic communities, I stay present in media, events, and communities that are involved in Psychedelic Therapy and advocacy, following published research papers, developments at MAPS and Compass, and actively supporting important organizations like The Comanche Nation Ethno-Ornithological Initiative and Amazon Frontlines.

I am member of Horizons NYC and have attended the most recent Horizons flagship conference, Perspectives on Psychedelics, where over 2 days, 19 speakers and 2 panel discussions, led conversations on the present progressions, challenges, and concerns of psychedelic therapy across all practicing communities. Topics discussed included: Surveying the Landscape of Psychedelic Medicine, Oregon Measure 109, Hype Harm Bias and Failure in Psychedelic Therapy, Global Drug Policy & Public Health, Ibogaine: Treatment Community Dynamics and Indigenous Reciprocity, the Psychedelic Supply Chain, Global History of Mescaline, and Practicing Allyship with Indigenous Communities.


From all of my accumulated studies, I have grown both a large supportive network of peers, and a long reading list that I am excitedly working through and share openly on my Goodreads account.

Blurry Gradient

As for my other experiences and interests that I incorporate into my offerings:

I am a musician and create live ambient soundscapes and playlists for journeying, I am a chef who loves alchemizing colorful and creative meals, I am an aspiring certified herbalist who make tea blends, salves, and amaros, I am a dancer, yogi and practitioner of Qi Gong and breathwork, and I love playing in teams, solving puzzles and living life.

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